- 613-890-2587
- James@CarvingEden.com
- Mon - Sat: 9:00 - 18:30
A beautiful garden is a lot of work, especially when you have 4 seasons of weather change to deal with here in Ottawa. Therefore, maintaining your garden may seem like an impossible task, but with the help of Carving Eden and our garden maintenance services- the idea of having a well kept garden will not only be possible, but have stress free too.
Dandelions weren’t always considered a weed, before the 20th century and the invention of gardens- this golden blossom flower was once considered a delicacy and often praised for it’s beauty. Gardners used to weed out grass to make room for danelions
Purslane weeds can be difficult to deal with, as it has several survival methods. Purslane can come back to life, even if you think you’ve killed it. Considered a vegetable in some circles, this weed also posses great health benefits, take a look here.
Even though Clover can provide nitrogen to soil, thus aiding in the survival of other plant life, Clover can still be a nuisance. If clover isn’t eradicated properly and swiftly- there’s a high chance that it will take over your garden.
Stinging Nettle is typically found growing in patches, if left untreated- stinging nettle can grow as tall as an average size adult. Not only are these plants invasive, they also hurt like heck too!
There are three types of Pigweed, Redroot, Smooth & Green ,ut generally all Pigweed is considered “Redroot”.
Encourage your garden to grow thick and healthy grass with our organic processes and weed control services. If you find that your yard is getting out of hand, give us a call and we’ll come to you and get your garden back in shape!