Cottage Country Landscapes

Creeks | Ponds
Water Features

Our Landscaping Philosophy

"I have a therapist, her name is Nature."

To us, your garden is one of the most highly prized and deeply crucial spaces you will ever have.  It should stand as a place of refuge, healing, bonding, and safety. To achieve this we incorporate all 4 fundamental elements in our designs. This recipe triggers our deepest senses of wellbeing and calm.


Water draws toward it all life. It is the center from which all existence bellows and bounds. Even in small spaces water can be a hub of life and movement. Since the dawn of time we have been gathering at its edges. Water is as much part of the human experience as it is a necessity to the body.


When you hear the wind rustling through the leaves a robust poplar tree; you are calmed. When you hear subtle sounds and feel the gentle dance of tall grass blowing in the wind; you are soothed. When you experience the whispering of the needles high up in a red pine; you are at Peace. Let us interpret the wind though various mediums in your garden.


The root of life burrows deep in the Earth. Earth is represented in your garden spaces in the form of plants, hardscapes and softscapes. From a little seedling to a beautifully matured oak; earth pushes forth all that is green.


We harnessed fire to tame nature. Of all the wild elements it is the one we control and guard most closely. Encoded deep in our being, fire represents safety and protection, family and friends. Fire can be translated in the landscape through many mediums such as Lighting, Fireplaces, BBQ's, and Torches.

Our Landscape Packages

Build the oasis of your dreams with our Unique Packages.

Design Package

We work with you to design a 3D version of the space you want to create.

Front Yard Package

Have the best curb appeal in town

Back Yard Package

Transform your backyard into a paradise.

Full Design

Build the dream garden you've always wanted.

Of all the paths you take in life....

... make sure a few of them are dirt.

Our Landscaping Services

Landscape Design

3d Landscape Design

Your Home is meant to be enjoyed inside and out. Our mission is to bring the 7 principles of landscape design to your outdoor space. Balance, Colour, Texture, Line, Variety, Form, & Scale.  Our goal is not to create a ridged space but one that bridles the untamed power of nature. Our Team at Carving Eden will take you on a journey to discover how you use your space and determine what we can do to maximize flow, function and aesthetic.

3d Landscape Design
Swimming Pond in Ottawa, Ontario

Swimming Ponds

Swimming Pond in Ottawa, Ontario

Just how nature intended it, we create an ecologically balanced swimming experience.  Using the latest systems of organically inspired water balance, your swimming pond will clean itself the way lakes, creeks and rivers do in nature. It will inspire to draw birds and butterflies as a centerpiece of natures most powerful element – water. 

Garden Structures

Wood beam pergola with shade and rain protection

The outdoor structure can be a vital part of your ability to enjoy your garden all year. Maximizing use, coupled with an added sense of security, privacy and retreat these structures can enhance function dramatically. Pergolas, gazebos, sheds, pool houses, bridges and decks can domesticate your garden space without separating you from it. They allow you to incorporate home comforts within the outdoor design. 

Wood beam pergola with shade and rain protection
Babbling brook custom made in Manotick Ontario

Water Features

Babbling brook custom made in Manotick Ontario

Perhaps the most sought after skill we poses is that of creating water features than blend into the landscape seamlessly but not without drama. Water features bring a fundamental element to your garden that, we feel, is perhaps the most profound compliment to your space no matter how big your space is. The sound of water is one that transports you away and reconnects you with nature. It is the gravitational center of a balanced backyard. 

Stone Work

Outdoor Ottawa Ontario Stone fireplace and wood alcove with bright burning fire at dusk.

There is no greater example of longevity and strength than that of the natural stone. The ability to shape this unyielding element into your design is a statement of perseverance and triumph. Masonry is one of the oldest trades in civilization that reminds us of a forgotten time. We bring stonework to your design as part of the strongest earth element in our philosophy. Bridges, walls, moon gates, fireplaces, gateways, pergolas patios, and pathways are all examples of how stone can enhance your estates garden. 

Outdoor Ottawa Ontario Stone fireplace and wood alcove with bright burning fire at dusk.

as i work on the garden

... the garden works on me.

A Passion for Landscape Harmony

A garden is one of the oldest constructs of civilization. To us it is more than a fenced in space you use to barbeque. Throughout history a garden has represented peace and harmony. At Carving Eden we are passionate about the artistic work we do. We know it brings more than aesthetic benefits, it heals, it connects people, it whisps you away the moment you cross the threshold

Your landscaping design company should regard your canvas with a sense of deep meaningful art. And that’s what we do.

Turn your face to the sun

... and shadows fall behind you.

Serving These Unique Communities

... ever chasing the season.

City Of Ottawa Official Logo
Bancroft Ontario official city Logo
Puerto Vallarta official city logo
Punta Mita official City Logo

A garden is one of the oldest constructs of civilization. Throughout history a garden has represented peace and harmony. For me landscape harmony is a deep passion. Book your new garden today!


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Carving Eden Ottawa Landscaping, Pond & Aquaria Design

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